Our Accomplisments
xClosure continues to use its proprietary formula to help clients achieve extraordinary returns on their investments. xClosure has helped clients successfully market a wide variety of products including dietary supplements, exercise equipment, scrap-booking supplies, kitchen gadgets, educational programs, and much more.
The company has received recognition and awards including the Greensheet Award for infomercial excellence. xClosure will continue to be a stable and powerful influence in the industry. If you are considering launching a mass-marketable product or need an infusion to your existing product or service, please give us a call.
Summary of Accomplishments
- Generated millions of dollars on a software product
- Successfully launched several long-form infomercials generating an average of 3+ MER
- Drove $30 million in annual sales for a single product
- Escalated online lead generation revenue from $528,000 to $2.3 million in one year
- Reduced a products inbound return rate from 40% to 28%
- Rebounded a radio campaign from a 1.2 to a 4.5 MER
- Reduced an infomercial cost from $75 per call to $35 per call
- Maintained a campaign’s weekly online marketing ROI between 600-900%
- Implemented a new management structure that resulted in a 100% increase in annual revenues
- Have managed and trained 100s of salespeople across the globe
- Startup level to multi-million-dollar business
- Established an outbound sales division which generated over $7.5 million per year
- Generated $5 million in revenue from a radio campaign in only 8 months
- Generated over 5 million dollars in revenue through an internal affiliate network
- Designed websites with conversion rates at 4 -15%
- Established “Save the Sale” program for numerous clients
- Monthly revenue saved through customer service – 15-19%
- Designed an incentive program that resulted in a 150% increase in weekly sales
- Built an outbound organization of 60+ employees, generating 22 million in sales